KLA Weldment (salvage)

RESULT: Failed – All

OVERVIEW: The customer has a specific weldment that has been sitting at the company location for over two years now (as of the time of this writing). The customer wants a very complex build, but does not want to compromise on pricing nor time.

ROLE: For a brief moment, I was brought in as a consultant to see if I could help the company get the project back on track.

CHALLENGES: Communication within the company between stakeholders as politics crept into the project itself. No matter what we attempted to do (meetings, gemba walks, so on), nothing would change the stakeholders mindset regarding their fellow co-workers.

Outsourcing measurements to a local company without assuring the parts were actually correctly manufactured caused more of a delay in the overall scope and time as the parts had to move back and forth four times.

OUTCOMES: I signed over my end of the project once the timeframe was not met and shared my lessons learned with leadership. The project is still on-going (as of the time of this writing).





